• Question: What work experience did you do in your secondary

    Asked by 593thrj45 to Chris, Phil, Rosie, Tom, wajiha on 12 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Chris Bowden

      Chris Bowden answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      At secondary school I liked Physics the most so I did my work experience as at a Civil Engineering office for my local council. There I helped them to look at how strong bridges were and how to build new roads. It was really fun because I got to go in a big tunnel under my city to check for cracks! But then I preferred Biology at college and now I look at plants all the time! So it doesn’t matter if you change your mind, just do what you prefer the most!

    • Photo: Rosie Cane

      Rosie Cane answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      I had no idea what I wanted to do when the time came around to pick my work experience placement, but I had always liked animals and so opted to do my work experience at a small city farm. This involved looking after crops and animals and helping to run a children’s daycare there. I learnt a lot about animals and plants and really enjoyed it!
