• Question: What is the differance between organic fruits and genetically modified fruits?

    Asked by 863thrj45 to Chris on 19 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Chris Bowden

      Chris Bowden answered on 19 Jun 2017:

      That’s a really really good question, lots of adults don’t know the answer to that! First ‘organic’ fruits…Organic doesn’t really mean anything scientific, it can be lots of different things…But if fruit is organic then it usually means that no chemicals have been sprayed on it whilst it was growing. For fruit that isn’t organic, chemicals are sprayed onto the fruits to protect them from insects that eat them or diseases that kill them. These chemicals are tested so that they are safe for humans…some people still think they might be hurting humans but no one knows for sure. So that’s ‘organic’ fruits! Genetically modified fruits are fruits that have had the DNA from a different species added into them. That sounds super exciting (and it is!) but usually scientists add DNA from a bacteria (tiny, microscopic creatures) to fruits to stop insects eating them. We don’t have any genetically modified food in the UK, but in America they grow genetically modified tomatoes, potatoes, sweetcorn, and even apples!
