• Question: have you watch someone brain

    Asked by bumper to Chris, Phil, Rosie, Tom, wajiha on 14 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: wajiha Bano

      wajiha Bano answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      yes i have seen the pictures of the inside of brain including mine with the help of MRI, I have seen all the blood vessels that supply the brain, the small tissues that joins both sides of the brains. Its very fascinating

    • Photo: Rosie Cane

      Rosie Cane answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      Yes! I used to work at a science centre where we had a ‘Surgeon Simulator’ where you could practise using the tools that surgeons use when operating on brains, and see how difficult it actually is. You could also watch a video of the surgeons at work with these intricate, tiny tools. It was super interesting!
